Alitta virens (M. Sars, 1835)
(King Ragworm)

Taxonomic hierarchy:
SpeciesAlitta virens (King Ragworm)
SubfamilyNEREIDINAE (a subfamily of annelids)
FamilyNEREIDIDAE (ragworms)
SuborderNEREIDIFORMIA (a suborder of annelids)
OrderPHYLLODOCIDA (paddle worms, ragworms and sea mice)
SubclassERRANTIA (a subclass of annelids)
ClassPOLYCHAETA (polychaete worms and ragworms)
PhylumANNELIDA (segmented worms and leeches)
SuperphylumLOPHOTROCHOZOA (molluscs and relatives)
CladeBilateria (bilaterally symmetrical animals)
SubkingdomEUMETAZOA (metazoans)
KingdomANIMALIA (animals)
DomainEukaryota (eukaryotes)
LifeBIOTA (living things)
Records of Alitta virens (King Ragworm) :
1: Alitta virens (King Ragworm)
21 Mar 2011 OSGR: SY67 50° 30’ N, 2° 30’ W Vice County: Dorset (VC 9) England
under stone at low tide
Image 1: Close-upImage 2: In situ
2: Alitta virens (King Ragworm)
1 Mar 2010 OSGR: SY67 50° 30’ N, 2° 30’ W Vice County: Dorset (VC 9) England
spawning animal . Photos: spawning animal, milt deposits
Image 1: Milt deposits - in situImage 2: Milt deposits - in situ (2)Image 3: Milt deposits - in situ (3)Image 4: Milt deposits - in situ (4)Image 5: Milt deposits - in situ (5)Image 6: Spawning animalImage 7: Spawning animal (2)Image 8: Spawning animal (3)
3: Alitta virens (King Ragworm)
1 Mar 2010 OSGR: SY67 50° 40’ N, 2° 30’ W Vice County: Dorset (VC 9) England
Adult male, swimming in shallow water among seaweeds on the ebb spring tide
Image 1: Body segments - dorsal view - close-upImage 2: Body segments - dorsal view - close-up (2)Image 3: Body segments - dorsal view - close-up (3)Image 4: Body segments - dorsal view - on sand - close-upImage 5: Dorsal view - on sandImage 6: Dorsal view - on sand - close-upImage 7: Dorsal view - white backgroundImage 8: Dorsal view - white background (2)Image 9: Dorsal view - white background (3)Image 10: Dorsal view - white background (4)Image 11: Dorsal view - white background (5)Image 12: Dorsal view - white background (6)Image 13: Dorsal view - white background (7)Image 14: Dorsal view - white background (8)Image 15: Dorsal view - white background (9)Image 16: Head end - dorsal view - close-up - on sandImage 17: Head end - dorsal view - close-up - on sand (2)Image 18: Head end - dorsal view - close-up - white backgroundImage 19: Head end - dorsal view - close-up - white background (2)Image 20: Head  end - dorsal view - on sand - close-upImage 21: Head end - front three-quarter view - close-up - on sandImage 22: Starting to bury itself in sandImage 23: Starting to bury itself in sand (2)Image 24: Tail - dorsal view - close-up - white backgroundImage 25: Tail end - dorsal view - close-up - white backgroundImage 26: Tail end - dorsal view - on sand - close-upImage 27: Body segments and parapodia - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 28: Body segments - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 29: Body segments - latero-dorsal view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 30: Body segments - latero-dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (2)Image 31: Body segments - latero-dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (3)Image 32: Body segments - latero-ventral view - close-upImage 33: Body segments - ventral view - close-upImage 34: Body segments - ventral view - close-up (2)Image 35: Body segments - ventral view - close-up (3)Image 36: Body segments - ventral view - close-up (4)Image 37: Head - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 38: Head - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (2)Image 39: Head - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (3)Image 40: Head - dorsal view - on sand - close-up - highly enlargedImage 41: Head - lateral view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 42: Head - latero-dorsal view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 43: Head - latero-dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (2)Image 44: Jaws - dorsal view - close-up - enlargedImage 45: Jaws - dorsal view - close-up - enlarged (2)Image 46: Jaws - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 47: Jaws - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (2)Image 48: Jaws - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (3)Image 49: Jaws - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged (4)Image 50: Jaws - ventral view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 51: Jaws - ventral view - close-up - highly enlarged (2)Image 52: Jaws - ventral view - close-up - highly enlarged (3)Image 53: Parapodia - close-up - highly enlargedImage 54: Parapodia - close-up - highly enlarged (2)Image 55: Parapodia - highly enlargedImage 56: Parapodia - highly enlarged (2)Image 57: Tail - close-up - dorsal view - highly enlargedImage 58: Tail - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlargedImage 59: Tail end - close-up - oblique view - highly enlargedImage 60: Tail end - close-up - oblique view - highly enlarged (2)Image 61: Tail end - dorsal view - close-up - highly enlarged

Alitta virens (King Ragworm) may be included in identification literature listed under the following higher taxa:

NBNNBN ( has a distribution map for Alitta virens (King Ragworm)
BioInfoBioInfo ( has 0 host/parasite/foodplant and/or other relationships for Alitta virens (King Ragworm)
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Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioImages website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.

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BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide (UK)